pp108 : Overview of Integration with WS-AppServer

Overview of Integration with WS-AppServer

This topic presents an overview of integrating Process Platform XForms with WS-AppServer.

Advantages of Integrating WS-AppServer with Process Platform XForms

Exposing business logic as Web services involves developing business logic for an application and writing code for complex backend methods.

However, using Process Platform Web Service Application Server (WS-AppServer), you can directly expose an application's business logic as a Web service. This enables you to focus on developing business logic pertaining to an application.
Cordys WS-AppServer provides:

  • an infrastructure for quick and easy object-oriented application development.
  • an abstraction layer over the database system that supports basic methods.
  • in-built transaction management and connection pooling.
  • integration with Process Platform XForms.
  • support for only a single level of aggregation. Process Platform XForms does not support integration with nested classes and the corresponding methods of WS-AppServer.

    The Cordys WS-AppServer contains the business logic of an application as Web services. You can use suitable front-end client tools to consume the Web services and generate applications from them.

    It is possible to use Process Platform XForms to generate applications from available Process Platform methods.

  • No client-side validation code is written or repeated for any application; you can use the methods generated using the Web services of Cordys WS-AppServer.
  • You can generate applications by dragging methods, thus reducing the client-side coding required. This also enables the integration of business logic from heterogeneous data sources and the generation of UI.
  • Shorter application development life cycle.

Related tasks

Integrating an XForm with WS-AppServer